Waiting for her food in her high chair :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
5 months (adjusted)
Cameron is 5 months adjusted today!
Adjusted age: 5 months
Actual age: 8 months, 5 days
Weight: 13 pounds 7 oz, her weight gain has definitely slowed down but I think that's normal at this point. She was gaining 1.5-2 pounds per month and this past month she only gained 1. She has not dropped at all on the growth curve though so like I said I'm pretty sure this is a normal pattern for her age.
Height: 24.5 inches by my measurements
Diaper size: OS cloth
Clothing size: 3-6 months
Medications/medical concerns: None! No more UTIs or ailments to speak of. Still on Vitamin D drops.
Sleep: Sleeps through the night from 8:30 at night to about 9:30 in the morning. She is not waking up at all about half the time, the other half she wakes up for a feeding at about 4:30 a.m. Full time belly sleeper. She usually takes three 1/2 hour naps per day. They now have a fairly regular schedule at 11:30, 2:30, and 5:30.
Eating: Usually eats 6 times a day about two hours apart during the day. Like I said in the sleep section she gets up for one nighttime feed about half the time, the other half she goes a full 12-14 hour stretch without eating. She has also started eating some solids! I feed her anywhere from 0.5-1.5 oz at about 10:45 in the morning. Some days she does better than others but at this point solid food for her is only for practice, not for nutritional value. She still takes in just as much breast milk as she would without solids.
Developmental milestones: Last month there were a ton of new developments and this month was much slower but we do have some new things. I would say the past month she spent "mastering" some skills instead of learning new ones. Her hand control has increased greatly, she is now grabbing everything in sight (and putting it in her mouth). She is learning how to put her pacifier back in. She also has developed a much greater interest in toys. She is now a star roller, she would just roll all over the house if she could. She knows that she can travel with rolling now. She has a newfound desire to crawl. She is nowhere near being able to do it yet but she sure wants to. She can scoot backwards when on her belly and while she tries to scoot forwards she just hasn't figured out the logistics yet. Sometimes her pacifier will fall out and roll forward and she wants to go get it so she tries with all her might to scoot forward but just can't. We got our first real laughs from her a couple of days ago. I wasn't in the room to witness it unfortunately but Josh was very excited. He continued to do the same thing that got the laugh and we kept getting more giggles and squeals but nothing like the first belly laugh. Hopefully next time I will get to witness it! She is starting to get better at sitting up, not by herself but she sits with very little support. She can sit with no support for a couple of seconds max and can tripod on her hand for a while. And I think that is about all for developmental milestones this month.
Best moment this month: Either taking her to the zoo for the first time or hearing her giggle and squeal.
Now that there are a lot more pictures I am not going to include all of them for comparison. Here is her 1 month, 3 month, and 5 month pictures compared.
Adjusted age: 5 months
Actual age: 8 months, 5 days
Weight: 13 pounds 7 oz, her weight gain has definitely slowed down but I think that's normal at this point. She was gaining 1.5-2 pounds per month and this past month she only gained 1. She has not dropped at all on the growth curve though so like I said I'm pretty sure this is a normal pattern for her age.
Height: 24.5 inches by my measurements
Diaper size: OS cloth
Clothing size: 3-6 months
Medications/medical concerns: None! No more UTIs or ailments to speak of. Still on Vitamin D drops.
Sleep: Sleeps through the night from 8:30 at night to about 9:30 in the morning. She is not waking up at all about half the time, the other half she wakes up for a feeding at about 4:30 a.m. Full time belly sleeper. She usually takes three 1/2 hour naps per day. They now have a fairly regular schedule at 11:30, 2:30, and 5:30.
Eating: Usually eats 6 times a day about two hours apart during the day. Like I said in the sleep section she gets up for one nighttime feed about half the time, the other half she goes a full 12-14 hour stretch without eating. She has also started eating some solids! I feed her anywhere from 0.5-1.5 oz at about 10:45 in the morning. Some days she does better than others but at this point solid food for her is only for practice, not for nutritional value. She still takes in just as much breast milk as she would without solids.
Developmental milestones: Last month there were a ton of new developments and this month was much slower but we do have some new things. I would say the past month she spent "mastering" some skills instead of learning new ones. Her hand control has increased greatly, she is now grabbing everything in sight (and putting it in her mouth). She is learning how to put her pacifier back in. She also has developed a much greater interest in toys. She is now a star roller, she would just roll all over the house if she could. She knows that she can travel with rolling now. She has a newfound desire to crawl. She is nowhere near being able to do it yet but she sure wants to. She can scoot backwards when on her belly and while she tries to scoot forwards she just hasn't figured out the logistics yet. Sometimes her pacifier will fall out and roll forward and she wants to go get it so she tries with all her might to scoot forward but just can't. We got our first real laughs from her a couple of days ago. I wasn't in the room to witness it unfortunately but Josh was very excited. He continued to do the same thing that got the laugh and we kept getting more giggles and squeals but nothing like the first belly laugh. Hopefully next time I will get to witness it! She is starting to get better at sitting up, not by herself but she sits with very little support. She can sit with no support for a couple of seconds max and can tripod on her hand for a while. And I think that is about all for developmental milestones this month.
Best moment this month: Either taking her to the zoo for the first time or hearing her giggle and squeal.
Now that there are a lot more pictures I am not going to include all of them for comparison. Here is her 1 month, 3 month, and 5 month pictures compared.
Friday, May 25, 2012
First pair of jeans
Last week Cameron wore her first pair of jeans! She is just so stylish, I couldn't help but share! They were a little restricting so I don't think she'll wear them for anything other than out for special occasions. But they sure look cute on her :)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
This growing up stuff needs to slow down!!!
I just recently updated on how solids were going with Cameron and they weren't going well at all. So I tried them again yesterday and wouldn't you know, she eats 1.5 ounces of sweet peas!! She was loving it! Cam was talking up a storm the whole time, opening her mouth for the spoon, and swallowing food like a big girl. She desperately wanted to grab the spoon out of my hand and do it herself, but we all know how that would have ended (0% of the food getting into her mouth and 100% of the food on the floor). She also drank a little bit of water out of her sippy cup, I can't believe it. And so it was time to set up her high chair. Which means tomorrow I will feed her in a high chair. WOW does that blow my mind, she seems like such an old baby! And not too long ago I was thinking it would be FOREVER until I would have that experience. I've said it a million times before and I'll say it a million times again but where on earth did my little preemie go? It feels like yesterday she wasn't even able to breathe on her own and now she is eating sweet peas in a high chair!? Where the heck have the months gone? It makes me excited for the great things to come like crawling, walking, and talking but it makes me sad at how time is flying. I will miss these days so much. I already miss those days like crazy when Cameron would sleep the whole day away on my chest, now I'm lucky to get 20 minutes a week. It's the catch 22 of motherhood, you get so excited about the new experiences but miss the days of your completely dependent baby. Cam used to be entirely dependent on her mommy for nutrition, but now she can get it from fruits and veggies. Sometimes I think I'm ready for more independence but then I get it and I realize I'm not. I can't slow time down though so I just have to soak up and enjoy every second of the ride. Regardless of all the ups and downs I can't imagine a more rewarding experience than having a baby and being a mom. It truly is the greatest thing on earth.
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Eating my sweet peas!!! |
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
This week I had to find a picture of the letter 'U'. Josh suggested underwear, which more specifically in Cameron's case is a diaper! And since Cameron looks so darn cute in her cloth diapers I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to show that off :)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Coolest kid on the block
Cameron looks super cool in her shades! She was a tad bit apprehensive at first but actually tolerated them really well. She will be ready for the beach in no time!!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
She loves her...
activity center!!! I had previously shown pictures of Cameron in her jumperoo and while she enjoys jumping in that, she almost never plays with the toys. Cameron has not shown very much interest in toys as of yet. I wouldn't say I was really concerned but I was definitely paying attention to it. She's so high risk for developmental delays that I kind of have to watch a little closer than most parents. I had been starting to worry just a little about when she would start to show her toys some more interest. Well, before now Cameron had been too small for her activity center but we decided to try her in it today and see if she fits yet. She is definitely big enough for it now and to my surprise she immediately went crazy with everything!! She loved everything it had to offer with all the toys! The cutest part is how she tries with all her might to get everything in her mouth but it just doesn't reach. So of course I got plenty of pictures of her getting her hands on everything in sight. Josh and I got so excited and we were just so proud of our big girl! Where did our little preemie go??
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Solids update
My plan was to start solids at the end of April or the beginning of May. We tried oatmeal a couple of times at the end of April and Cameron was not a fan. She wouldn't even think about swallowing any of it, just pushed it right back out with her tongue. So I waited a week or two and tried again with sweet potatoes. Same response. Tried again with squash a little while later. Same response. So as it stands Cameron is just not ready. She is only 4.5 months adjusted which means we have plenty of time. But for now breast milk it is!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Cameron's life goal at this point is to get whatever she can whenever she can in her mouth. She drools like there's no tomorrow and just wants to chew, chew, chew. All teething signs. She may not be cutting a tooth and she may not cut one for months to come but poor girl is definitely already experiencing teething symptoms. So here she is in her never ending quest to chew on anything that will fit in her mouth.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!
I get to experience my first Mother's Day as a mother! Very exciting :) Josh Cameron got me flowers and surprise breakfast in bed today!! The house is also currently being cleaned while mommy gets to relax all morning. And we're going to the rainforest at the zoo today! What a great day! Here are my roses :)
But the best Mother's Day gift of all is waking up to this sweet girl every single day!! She makes my world go 'round :D
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Cloth diaper stash
I finally have all of my cloth diaper stash and supplies. I totaled out at 26 diapers, which is enough that I would only need to wash every 3 days. I have been washing every 2 days, not sure if I will go to 3 or not.
First a couple of diaper explanations.
Pocket diapers have a pocket that you stuff with an insert, the insert absorbs all the moisture and the pocket creates a barrier between the insert and the baby's bottom. The pocket stays dry as the insert wicks away the moisture. The inside of a pocket diaper is usually made of fleece since fleece doesn't hold moisture well and it allows for easy passage of moisture to the insert. You can stuff pocket diapers with microfleece inserts, bamboo inserts, or hemp inserts. You have to take the insert out of the diaper before washing. Most pocket diapers have a waterproof outer made of PUL fabric.
AIO stands for all in one. This means that the diaper is ready to go and be used at all times. No need to stuff a pocket or anything, you simply put it on the baby and that's it. These are most like a disposable diaper since there is no prep work needed. They do take longer to dry and they are not "customizable" the way a pocket diaper is where you can put any kind of inserts you want in the diaper. The inside of an AIO diaper is usually not made of fleece but other fabrics like organic cotton. Most AIOs have a waterproof PUL outer like pockets.
OS stands for one size. Some diapers come in different sizes and some are one size only, meaning the diaper has enough adjustability to last all the way from a tiny baby to a toddler ready to be potty trained. I only have OS diapers. Sized diapers are not as bulky, OS diapers tend to be on the bulkier side but last longer.
Microfleece inserts are the cheapest kind of inserts and are usually what comes with a pocket diaper. They are on the bulkier side.
Hemp inserts are much more expensive than microfiber but are much thinner and thus reduce bulkiness of the cloth diaper. They are very absorbent.
Bamboo inserts are more expensive than microfiber but less expensive than hemp. They are the trimmest/least bulky of all the inserts.
So here is my stash!
Rumparooz OS: I have one Rumparooz diaper in yellow. It is a pocket diaper with fleece inner. What I like about Rumparooz is the double leg gussets, meaning elastic around the legs on the outside and on the inside of the diaper. This diaper tends to be pretty trim, so if I'm looking for a diaper that's not bulky I might choose this one. It has velcro closures.
First a couple of diaper explanations.
Pocket diapers have a pocket that you stuff with an insert, the insert absorbs all the moisture and the pocket creates a barrier between the insert and the baby's bottom. The pocket stays dry as the insert wicks away the moisture. The inside of a pocket diaper is usually made of fleece since fleece doesn't hold moisture well and it allows for easy passage of moisture to the insert. You can stuff pocket diapers with microfleece inserts, bamboo inserts, or hemp inserts. You have to take the insert out of the diaper before washing. Most pocket diapers have a waterproof outer made of PUL fabric.
AIO stands for all in one. This means that the diaper is ready to go and be used at all times. No need to stuff a pocket or anything, you simply put it on the baby and that's it. These are most like a disposable diaper since there is no prep work needed. They do take longer to dry and they are not "customizable" the way a pocket diaper is where you can put any kind of inserts you want in the diaper. The inside of an AIO diaper is usually not made of fleece but other fabrics like organic cotton. Most AIOs have a waterproof PUL outer like pockets.
OS stands for one size. Some diapers come in different sizes and some are one size only, meaning the diaper has enough adjustability to last all the way from a tiny baby to a toddler ready to be potty trained. I only have OS diapers. Sized diapers are not as bulky, OS diapers tend to be on the bulkier side but last longer.
Microfleece inserts are the cheapest kind of inserts and are usually what comes with a pocket diaper. They are on the bulkier side.
Hemp inserts are much more expensive than microfiber but are much thinner and thus reduce bulkiness of the cloth diaper. They are very absorbent.
Bamboo inserts are more expensive than microfiber but less expensive than hemp. They are the trimmest/least bulky of all the inserts.
So here is my stash!
Rumparooz OS: I have one Rumparooz diaper in yellow. It is a pocket diaper with fleece inner. What I like about Rumparooz is the double leg gussets, meaning elastic around the legs on the outside and on the inside of the diaper. This diaper tends to be pretty trim, so if I'm looking for a diaper that's not bulky I might choose this one. It has velcro closures.
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Rumparooz |
Fuzzibunz Elite OS: I have one Fuzzibunz Elite OS diaper in turquoise. It is a pocket diaper with a fleece inner and is very trim. This is one of my trimmest diapers. It has snap closures. A good daytime diaper, they are too small to be stuffed at night but it is nice to have such a trim diaper for day.
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Fuzzibunz |
Kawaii Velcro Square Tab OS: This is a Kawaii Baby diaper in red. I have a lot of Kawaii Baby because they are very inexpensive but comparable in quality to the more expensive diapers. It is a pocket diaper with a fleece inner. I only have one Kawaii with the square velcro closure.
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Kawaii Baby |
Kawaii Snap Square Tab OS: This is a Kawaii Baby diaper in pink. It is a pocket diaper with fleece inner. It has snap tabs. Almost identical to the red diaper above, the only difference is the snap vs velcro closures.
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Kawaii Baby |
Tots Bots Easy Fit OS: This diaper is kind of a cross between a pocket and an AIO. It does have a pocket but the insert is actually attached to the diaper. It does not have a fleece inner but is bamboo. The insert is also bamboo. I love this diaper, the fit is perfect and it is fairly trim. The inside is so soft. It has velcro closures. I love it because you get the best of both worlds of a pocket and an AIO. It dries quickly since the insert comes out but since it's connected it makes stuffing the pocket very quick and easy. They also come in really fun prints. I have 5 total, from top left cherrylicious, tutti frutti, yellow, mushroom magic, and white. This is one of my favorites.
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Tots Bots |
Charlie Banana OS: These are very similar to the fuzzibunz. They are pockets with a fleece inner and are very trim. I have two in orange and light blue. They have snap closures. As with the fuzzibunz, these are good for day but not for night.
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Charlie Banana |
Smartipants OS: Smartipants are definitely one of my favorites. I have three total in bubble gum pink, lovely lavender, and mellow yellow. These are pocket diapers and I am not sure what the inner is made of. It doesn't seem to be fleece but is very soft. I like this diaper because the pocket opens up at both ends instead of just one so they are very easy to stuff. They are also very trim and the fit is absolutely perfect on Cameron. They have snap closures. They have less snaps than other diapers which I like better because it makes it easier to close up the diaper.
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Smartipants |
Bumgenius Elemental AIO OS: These are my only true AIO diapers. I have two, both in clementine. I really love the fit of these diapers. The insides are made of organic cotton. The organic cotton is stiffer than the fabrics used in my other diapers but very absorbent and I can't imagine we would have any leaks with these. They have snap closures.
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Bumgenius |
Kawaii Minky Snap Square Tab OS: The only difference between the other snap Kawaii diaper and this one is this has a minky fabric outer. I have one in this green, brown, and pink dot print. It is a pocket with a fleece inner and has snap closures. The minky outer does make it bulkier than other diapers. This one is good for overnight because it has a very large pocket to stuff with extra inserts, but that makes it bulky.
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Kawaii Baby |
Kawaii Bamboo OS: This Kawaii diaper is very similar to the diaper above but it has an inner made of bamboo instead of fleece. I have one in tabby cat print. It also comes with bamboo inserts instead of microfleece. It has a minky outer and is bulkier like the one above. I love the bamboo inside, bamboo is very soft.
Kawaii Heavy Duty OS: This is the diaper I have the most of. Basically, they are cheap but compare very well in quality with the more expensive diapers. I have 8 total, two are not pictured because they are doubles and wouldn't fit in the picture. I have one in pink, purple, blue, and white, and two in yellow and lime green. They are kind of your basic pocket diaper. They have fleece inners, velcro closures, and are fairly trim. They are versatile and work well for night and day, trim enough for day, and a large enough pocket to stuff with extra inserts at night.
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Kawaii Baby |
The whole stash (minus a couple that are dirty). I have 26 total, there are 23 pictured here. Two are dirty and one is on Cameron :)
These are my inserts. The first on the left is a Kawaii bamboo. This is by far my favorite insert and I use all bamboo during the day. They are extremely trim and incredibly soft. Using these inserts makes cloth diapers almost as trim as a disposable. The middle insert is a Bumgenius microfleece doubler. I don't like microfleece for its thickness but these doublers are much thinner. Doubler just means that it's not meant to be a lone insert and only to add extra absorbency in combination with another insert, hence the name doubler. But that is why they are thinner than normal microfleece inserts, they only add absorbency so they don't need the same amount of thickness. I use these during naptime when Cameron needs more absorbency in the front of her diaper since she sleeps on her belly. You don't actually put these in the pocket but lay it on top. It has one layer of fleece which goes against the skin. The last insert on the right is hemp. These are thicker than bamboo and fairly stiff so I do not like them for daytime. But they are incredibly absorbent and don't add a ton of bulk so they are great for night. At night I use a bamboo insert plus a hemp insert. I can leave her in the same diaper for 12 or 13 hours and her bottom is still dry in the morning, it's amazing!
These are my wet bags. They are made of waterproof PUL fabric so I can throw all my used cloth diapers in the bags. Then I carry the bags down to the washer, throw the diapers in and throw the wet bags in.
You need a cloth diaper safe cream for your baby's bottom. Most creams will not come out in the wash. This is one of my favorite baby products ever and I wish I had known about it sooner. It is called CJ's Butter and it looks like a thick beige paste in the pot. But when it is applied to the baby's bottom it literally melts, just like butter (hence the name)! It then looks just like an ointment. It is a protective/preventative cream that can be used with every diaper change to protect your baby's skin from any moisture. It smells fantastic!! There are a lot of different scents but I have warm vanilla cake, and it smells just like that, a freshly baked vanilla cake. Mmmmm!
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