This post is basically going to be a large photo dump showing you a little bit of what Cameron has been up to lately. She is getting so big and she just thinks the world is her oyster! It is her learning oyster, she is learning at such a rapid pace right now. She has become more than interested with her surroundings, I'd go as far as saying she is obsessed! I have a feeling her learning and development isn't going to slow down any time soon and as always I'm excited to watch her grow! I feel like we had the longest most drawn out newborn stage in the world but it feels like it's finally behind us.
Jumperoo: She just loves her jumperoo. I call it her office. She will sometimes sit there and not do anything but just stare as if she is working hard. She is still a little small for it and I have been putting a box underneath her feet so she can jump a little bit. But she loves the colors and music and all the toys! She has an activity center that I am really excited for her to use but she is way too small for it, she slumps down way too far in the seat and can't see at all to get to the toys so that one will have to wait a little while but I'm sure she'll love it!
I don't know what to look focus on first! |
Can't.. quite... reach.. |
OMG this is AWESOME! |
Oooooh! |
Short arm chewing break... |
Woah! I didn't see that before! |
Chubby cheeks :D |
This jumperoo business is tiring |
Hi mom, what do you need? I'm a little busy here... |
My hands are cool too |
Thinking hard |
Mesmerized |
It's been a hard day at the office, I think I'll just lay my head down... |
Eyes are getting heavier
(I won't show what happened next but it includes a melt down and a nap) |
Swing: Cameron is LOVING her swing! She did not like it for a while but now she loves the movement. She will just lay there content looking all around as she swings back and forth. And then usually a nap follows! It gives mommy some nice breaks during the day.
O-Ball: We got Cameron a new toy, her o-ball. I'm learning something, the more a toy looks like a dog toy, the more babies like it. Toys with batteries? No thanks. Something Penny will probably steal one day? Yes please! She hasn't quite figured out how to hang on to a lot of toys but the o-ball makes it really easy for her. She likes to hold it close to her face, and then out to the side, and then out to the front, and then close to her face again, and you get the point. And of course she likes the challenge of trying to put it in her mouth since that's where everything seems to go these days.
This face is priceless! |
She is getting so big and chubby! |
So that's it for now. Clearly Cameron is having lots of fun! Over the coming weeks and months I'm sure there will be much, much more. Also, hopefully the weather gets nice again and we can start going outside! There were a couple weeks where the weather was
beautiful and we were out all the time but now it's typical April weather again. She loves her walks since everything is so new to her so hopefully we can start going back out soon.
Such a sweetheart! I love her pink bow and her pouty face is still so cute :)